Welcome to 2025! We are all in the honeymoon phase of the year. We are still excited to be in
another year. Our dreams, hopes, desires, and successes are buoyant. We can technically leave our sorrows and failures behind in the last year. Yet, we anticipate our progress toward our dreams
in 2025.
I am in a writing class this month. The instructor gave a writing assignment to describe what we
needed to grieve. It was a personal task; we did not share it. To my amazement, three things came to mind quickly. I wrote about the longest-term item. It gave me insight into untapped, overlooked, unhealed points in my heart. That is why I am sharing this event with my blog audience.
As we head further into 2025, what issue(s) float beneath the surface of our consciousness? How
can we articulate these points to ourselves to settle them? How do we dive into them more to ascertain what needs healing in our hearts? Do we need to forgive ourselves or someone else? Is
there a period in our lives we are glad we got through but we did not process our feelings or desires thoroughly enough to free us to our God-given potential? Is now the time to tap
it, so we can forever close any ill effects to move forward and not be held back in an area of life?
The writing exercise reminded me of a church friend who passed away in 1988. He told me in
February 1988, he planned to retire in April 1988, have his 65th birthday, and die! I was so stunned
as a young person to hear this! I was stalled emotionally until 1993; I finally closed out 1988 calmly in 1993 with the key takeaways below. He and his wife were long-time family friends. We had known them for approximately 15 years when he passed away.
I kept saying to myself that I was sad. I missed him a lot since he was a spiritual mentor. How could he just decide to die? I lamented that we did not have a chance to enjoy his retirement with him! I felt melancholy (sadness), and I was pensive & reflective of this event. His encouragement was gone! I could not accept the fact that he was with us ONLY 65 years. How could that have been enough time?
My children were growing up, so I did not allow these thoughts to hinder my daily activities. The theme that kept returning to my heart was that God never left me alone. I could feel alone, but that was not true. The song “No Never Alone” helped me. There are several versions. I like this one because the video depicts many life situations where we could feel alone: https://www.bing.com/videos/riverview/relatedvideo?q=no+never+alone+no+never+alone+song&mid=2623B80E64C4BCA5FF542623B80E64C4BCA5FF54&FORM=.
Key takeaways from this period were:
I am never alone because John14: 16 and 18 AMPC reminds me:
(16) And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter (Counselor, Helper,
Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby), that He may remain with you forever.
(18) I will not leave you as orphans [comfortless, desolate, bereaved, forlorn, helpless]; I will
come [back] to you.
God assigns all of us certain life timelines as Psalm 139:14 AMPC relates:
Your eyes saw my unformed substance, and in Your book all the days [of my life] were written
before ever they took shape, when yet there was none of them.
God taught me to be grateful for the time that I did have. That was hard. I still desired more time. We all do if it was a productive relationship.
I learned that grieving was a part of life. I still do not like it. I would rather skip this component of life; yet, when I do not participate – something stays offbeat until I rectify
my thoughts and feelings. Grieving takes time. Allow yourself to grieve. When Moses died, the Lord told Joshua in Deuteronomy 34:8: "The Israelites should grieve Moses in the plains of Moab thirty days, until the time of weeping and mourning was over".
This event taught me to treasure family, friends, moments, and events as they occur. Do not take anything for granted!
Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. May you search your mind or heart for anything that is lying dormant. Dust it off. Examine and review anything that can potentially hold you back in 2025. Institute any necessary change. Move forward with abounding grace, knowledge, and assurance that you are making deposits to be your best self. Keep trusting God for clarity to achieve your destiny on earth.
Calls to Action:
Assess any untapped emotions that can hold you back in 2025.
Connect with the necessary support partners: family, friends, pastoral staff, or counselors as needed.
Forgive anyone who hurt or harmed you. Realize that you may not forget the event. Forgiveness is key and it unlocks pressure inside you!
Reclaim your vitality, even though you experienced this situation.
Review any verses above that can support your process.
Decide that you want the best for 2025!
Purchase “Fully Persuaded Faith” for additional “Prayer Jewels” for your path or read “Live Abundantly” at: https://www.marilynnjames.com. It highlights multiple opportunities to use one’s gifts in life.
Blessings in 2025! Feel free to comment on my Facebook (3) Facebook page.