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Is God Listening?

“Go,” said Jesus. “Your son will live.” The man took Jesus at His word and departed. And while he was still on the way, his servants met him with the news that his boy was alive. So, he inquired as to the hour when his son had recovered, and they told him, “The fever left him yesterday at the seventh hour," St. John 4:50-53.

There's nothing more frightening during the middle of the night than knowing your child or grandchild is symptomatic with a fever. It's especially troubling when the child is immersed in water several times and the fever isn't resolved. Prayer is needful because one decides whether to head out to the emergency room or during COVID, one may immerse the child again and administer children's antipyretic to treat fever.

We can feel this father's pain. Will his son live? Will he arrive in Jesus' arrive soon enough to save his son's life? Is it possible that God will answer?

The most comforting thing about this passage of Scripture is that Jesus' words were sufficient to reverse the febrile tide for this child. Oh, I pray that we would ask God to

counter any undesired event in our lives and seek the recovery that He offers.

Fully Persuaded Faith provides helpful, healing verses,

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