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May grace (God's favor) and peace - perfect well-being, all necessary good, all spiritual prosperity, and freedom from fears and agitating passions and moral conflicts) be multiplied to you in [the full, personal, precise, and correct] knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, 2 Peter 1:2.

This young woman reflects how we all feel sometimes. We wonder about our futures and reminisce about the past with "what ifs" and "how should it have turnout out" thoughts. This is normal in the scheme of life.

As we emerge from the pandemic, many workers really prefer working from home in a hybrid fashion.

Concern lingers about the virus as well as employees found that work life balance is more attainable

with working from home.

I am sharing that grace (God's favor) is available to all of us, even when we are at the lowest points in our lives or our children's lives. We may feel that we don't know "why" we are facing a certain predicament. Please take courage and face it.

Don't let worry overtake you nor your family. Pray! Seek a Scripture that reflects the problem, so that you keep yourself encouraged. Remember, we have freedom from fears and agitating passions (strong, barely controllable emotions) and moral conflicts. I extend blessing as we walk in the truth outlined here.

Stay tuned for more info about an upcoming August webinar: "Prayer Strategies that Work!"

Registration details will be posted on:

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