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Peace and Good Will

As we celebrate Christmas, we are blessed by Christ's birth and His plan to provide a path for redemption for us. Since we all have sinned and continually fall short of the glory of God, according to Romans 3:23. His actual birthdate was not recorded, yet December 25th is set aside to commemorate. During this season, let us be mindful of the blessings of family, friends, provision, and wellbeing we received throughout the year. Without Jesus' birth, life and death, our lives would be different.

Three Wise Men sought an audience with the infant Jesus. In Matthew 2:11-12: "And going into the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh." This event is a precursor to the spirit of giving during this season.

I am encouraged to witness the caring that communities are sharing with those who are experiencing need. St. John 13:35 notes that when we show love to one another, we demonstrate the actions of His disciples. Our delight is spreading God's peace and goodness during this time. Consider

maintaining concern for others throughout the year.

Let us not forget those who have emotional needs because of the loss of loved ones, friends or neighbors. Please check in with them. Listen to their concern and feelings. Affirm the reality of

the memories they possess. True, we cannot change the outcome, yet we can support the thoughts.

Keep inspiring peace and goodwill in 2023. Be intentional to show kindness and strength to those in your life. It is important to treasure and promote peace.

Calls to Action:

  1. Treasure family and friends as blessings.

  2. Give to those in need throughout the year. Apostle Paul reminded us that we should support the weak and that it is more blessed to give than receive, Acts 20:35.

  3. Encourage those who lost loved ones. This may include many. Be reassuring when possible.

  4. Purchase "Fully Persuaded Faith" or "Live Abundantly" on Both provide ideas to better one's life.

May you and your family have a healthy, safe and prosperous 2023!

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