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Assess His Faithfulness

When we rise in the mornings, we feel the energy, excitement, and zest for the day. We recognize that we have the privilege to see another day and to plan success within the day, Psalm 118:25.

Envisioning our current and future situation is necessary to propel us toward desired outcomes.

Contemplation takes time to develop and execute. It is important to take time to ascertain the path that we need to take so that our goals are well-balanced, Proverbs 4:26.

In 1981, George T. Doran provided a method to achieve goals: Setting SMART Goals | Practical guide with real examples | Geckoboard. When we focus on the type, breadth, and depth of the goals that we set, we govern the direction. Let us discuss SMART goals. We can apply this knowledge to


S - Goals need to be specific. Address your conclusion when determining goals.

M - Make goals measurable. Explain the intended results and impact, not the activities utilized.

A - Assign the goal. When an individual or a group knows that they have the responsibility to achieve the measure(s), prep time is scheduled and focused

R - Realistic goals fuel the efforts for the deliverables.

T - Time-related options set a completion pace or deadline.

The review of Smart goals highlights how we can drive outcomes in our lives and our businesses with collaboration. Know that "plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers, they succeed", Proverbs 15:22. God's faithfulness shines as He gives us strength, favor, and wisdom for success.

Calls to Action:

  1. Let us revisit our 2022 goals.

  2. Adjust what needs updating to enhance 2022's finish.

  3. Consider the purchase of "Fully Persuaded Faith" which details God's faithful support of life circumstances through the Prayer Jewels. Also, "Live Abundantly" is available with 104 secrets to blossom in life:

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