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Navigating Transitions

Autumn signals a time of transitions. We face common changes throughout life, yet this last year and a half gave us more things to consider. In 2021, workers are wrestling with which in-person office days they will choose or be assigned and all the daily preparation required to make return-to-work feasible. Examples include: 1) parking availability, 2) train schedules and tickets, 3) lunch possibilities

and 4) estimating travel time needed with the increased traffic.

Companies with 100 or more associates are required to mandate vaccinations or provide weekly COVID-19 testing. Arrangements need to be in place to comply. Also, employers are faced with providing workers with safe environments via CDC (Center for Disease Control) guidelines. Common wisdom prevails:

  • Wear cloth masks.

  • Do not touch one's face.

  • Regularly wash one's hands with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based hand disinfectant.

  • Stay home when not feeling well. Note if the symptoms could be related to COVID-19 (chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, fatigue, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, or new loss of taste or smell).

  • Practice social distancing. This point requires advance planning in work and school arenas.

Children have returned to school. Their navigational points reflect: 1) how recess and lunch are handled, 2) opportunities for remote work when needed and 3) quarantine requirements, should any positive COVID19 positives surface.

Young adults are off at college formulating their new normal. Other students may elect a gap semester or year to firm up their professional skills or work on a project of interest. Colleges, universities and

gap providers are constantly reassessing what are the safest methods for all students, faculty and ancillary staff. Gap programs have limited international interfaces to minimize the spread of the virus


What's interesting is that God steers us throughout our lifetimes in similar ways, when we ask Him. One of my favorite verses is James 1:5: Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives to all generously and without criticizing, and it will be given to him - Holman Christian Standard Bible.

  • He helps us when things do not make specific sense or when circumstances change often, if we ask Him.

  • He provides common wisdom, like the steps we have learned to do throughout the pandemic as well as He showers us with unconventional insight as we face life's problems, if we ask Him.

  • He leads us to answers when we are infirmed. Answers can be herbal remedies or a physician who completely evaluates our condition and gives a path forward, if we ask Him.

I encourage you to ask Him about any dilemma you face, especially if you are having sleepless nights,

unsettled digestion or frequent headaches because you cannot see your own way out. This includes executives, business owners, workers, parents, teens, the unemployed or the homeless. He hears our heartfelt prayers; I learned this point as I recapped scenarios for Fully Persuaded Faith.

There is value in God's wisdom overlaying our thinking and plans. Trust!

Checkout the Kindle version of Fully Persuaded Faith on or the paperback on:

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