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We Are Millionaires!

My themes during this month of Thanksgiving have centered on examples of God's protection

throughout my life. I want to finish the month with a truism for all of us. We are

millionaires when we consider our health and the cost of analyzing any significant concern, obtaining therapy, medicine and other treatments! COVID-19 taught us a new level of

gratefulness and reminded us not to take anything for granted, even if we did not mean

to do so.

I am reminded of The Six Million Dollar Man TV show from 1973 through 1978. Lee Majors

played an astronaut in the United States Air Force. His space ship crashed and he needed

surgery. The government authorized surgery with machine parts. When hi recovered he had supernatural strength and speed. He worked in the Office of Scientific Information where

he fought evil.

Year ago, while walking with a coworker to the parking lot, we discussed the young man's feelings that he did not have the desired Christmas funds. I related things to consider if our organs needed replacements. How much would surgery, anti-rejection treatments, therapy and disability time away cost? He was amazed and admitted that these things could total a million+ dollars easily, if they happened long term. We referenced The Six Million Dollar Man program. He reluctantly stated, "I guess I am blessed then. It's all perspective." We reached our cars and stopped the conversation.

Everyone may not know this TV show. Yet, I think it depicts our millionaire status today. God gives us health, breath - no respirators needed for the majority of our lives, thinking capacity, organs that work and the ability to earn money. When these things were challenged with the pandemic, we now have a panoramic view of life. Quarantines sounded like something that happened in movies from the early 1900's. We did not expect them to apply to us neither did we anticipate quarantines to keep us from doing normal activities for a long time period.

We walk in new perspectives too. Somber thoughts pass our minds when we think of family, friends

or neighbors who either passed away or were severely affected with the COVID-19 virus. We treasure health in a way that we had not considered before March 2020. Front line workers are appreciated

more; values changed as a result of the pandemic. Workers are part of the solution as the virus or variants continue. Let us ask God for the remedy,

Jeremiah 30:17 introduces the thought that He will restore us health and heal our wounds! How wonderful and gracious! It's a promise! I encourage us all to reflect on our journey within the last almost 2 years. Is there anything that you truly appreciate about your life, while taking into account the difficulties you have experienced? I am shouting, "Thank you, Lord!" I evaluate things differently going forward.

I trust that you had a Thanksgiving filled with gratefulness, because we are walking with new lenses

in life. May God bless each of us as we celebrate the holidays ahead and may He grant us a safe close to 2021. I release a blessing to you and your family for 2022!

Calls to Action:

  1. Encourage someone during this time, either by calls, text, provision or running an errand. Share our millionaire status.

  2. Let's plan our costs for the end of the year, so that we do not have January blues from overspending, if this applies. We can have a firm start in the New Year.

  3. Visit my website to purchase "Fully Persuaded Faith:: .

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