I trust that we are fully expanding our faith as we progress through February 2021.
Hebrews 11:1 Amplified:
Now faith is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses]. (This means that we await manifestation).
After we experienced many changes and uncertainties year, faith can seem elusive.
We all want to know our pathways. I’m the first person in this line. Yet, we can have assurance that what we hope for is something that God “can do”. Waiting is the point we want to bypass, especially if we are waiting for a train. Our thoughts race within our
heads; can it arrive any sooner?
Be encouraged by Habakkuk 2:3 (New Living Translation):
This vision is for a future time. It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed. Take new heights with this news.
Fully Persuaded Faith addresses this point through the Prayer Jewels. Feel free to checkout: marilynnjames.com or Amazon.com for your purchase.