The thief enters only to steal, kill, and destroy. I came so that they could have life—indeed, so that they could live life to the fullest, St. John 10:10.
I thought today about the reason Jesus came to earth. He offered us a full life. Yet, modern day thieves creep in. Unforgiveness can take center stage if we are offended. This emotion
takes us off task, when we don't seek to confront the disconnecting incident. Ask if you can discuss the event together. Seek to understand the other person's side as well as give a calm gift, if possible -> tell your feelings. This takes great courage!! Keep in mind, none of us know when we'll see or talk to one another again. It's an opportunity to start 2021 with a fresh mental slate.
Another thief can be busyness. We miss making the intended phone call or sending a text that we thought about composing 10 times during the day. Stop. Take 5 minutes.
Do it. Make someone's day! Blessing on your journey to live life fully.