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Mothers: Extraordinary Gifts

“Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all, Proverbs 31:29.”

This week we celebrate mothers, step-moms, adoptive moms, grandmothers, aunts, sisters, and others who contributed to child rearing and mentoring. These ladies did "excellently". During the pandemic, we have a new appreciation for mothers, because they added additional hats: teacher, IT troubleshooter and entertainer within quarantined spaces.

Talk with anyone who had a diligent mother or mother-figure. There are many stories about how we experienced their concern and care; memories still linger. Our hearts are touched by these interactions.

For those of us who are without our moms, the memories remain. We strive to get through these days with grace, prayer and hopefully support from family and friends. I want to encourage everyone in this latter category about the love of Christ. I John 4:9 it reminds us that "we love him, because he first loved us." He still loves us, even though Mom is away. The first Mother's Day without them is very hard. Please take this thought to heart when we miss them.

You may wish to buy Fully Persuaded Faith and read the chapters eight and ten about mothers approaching transition. Scriptures noted there can console you:

Blessing for favor, comfort, wisdom, nurture and grace...

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