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Spend Time Profitably

Timing is essential to everything that we do. One minute late and we miss the bus.

Another hour-long meeting and we miss the after-school activity. The pandemic brought

our use of time to the forefront of our consciousness. God wants us to look at our personal

use of time.

Why? Are we making impacts in the areas that He wants us to? Are we devoting time to our

families, friends and to ourselves? Did we make self-promises last year that we forgot about

because we are not quarantined inside, like 2020? Find those plans and complete them.

When we are diligent and put constant effort on goals, God rewards the focus and catapults

us forward. When we are act slowly, blessings can bypass us. This leaves us wondering

what happened and questioning God's faithfulness.

When we use our time wisely, profitably and dedicate our attention to things that propel

us forward, progress takes quantum leaps.

My 2021 endeavor is to learn more about the book publishing world. I registered

simultaneously for two courses that addressed the topic from different angles.

Aspiring authors are in the first group. We are learning the ins and outs of social media,

prepping the manuscript by thorough planning and outlining plus participating in a

writer's pod. It reminds me of working on a college project. Everyone contributes

in this pod; the collective knowledge energizes the interaction.

The second class focused on getting to market in 60 days. We discussed how to best

engage with the social media audience. My takeaways are: 1) Be willing to meet new

people. (I must admit that meeting and talking online without the privilege to see

classmates in-person is daunting at first). Zoom and Messenger give further insight

about my new comrades. I appreciate the fact that we can interface with individuals

worldwide. 2) Be genuine. 3) When we work on plans, regrets lessen. 4) Lose the

perfectionism trademark. Time ticks away every second. When we put desires on

hold, rarely do we get back to them.

Call to Action

Take out the fishing pole. Get bait and go fishing. Ride your bike now; we cannot do

so easily in winter. As we enjoy our lives and put plans in motion, we are saying

thanks to God for the time, He gave us.


The plans of the diligent end up in profit, but those who hurry end up with loss,

Proverbs 21:5.

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