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As we finish third quarter, September 2021, I am truly grateful for the lessons learned as we are

moving through pandemic times. All of us pivoted, stretched and faced thoughts and feelings

about the uncertainty of death based upon COVID-19. The US reports 696K deaths; worldwide the number is 4.55 million. We can be grateful that we are still here!


In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you, Thessalonians 5:18 - NKJV.

  • I am thinking more regularly about my blessings. I usually am cheerful, but I now am thankful that cheerfulness is my customary stance.

  • I have caring friends. I didn't think this was particularly important until last Friday morning, 9-24-21, when my friend's son texted me a link to his mom's funeral. I had just spoken with her in early September!! How could she be gone? I didn't know that conversation was the last time I would greet her. This weighed heavily on my all that day. Whew! (Side bar: Use every goodbye as an opportunity to be friendly to your family and cohorts). Think about releasing grudges, disappointments, bad feelings, etc. What if you received the same kind of text about a serious illness or death? Fast forward. How would you actually feel? Is the grudge really worth the mental and emotional baggage that you carry every day nurturing it?

  • I sent a group message to my siblings and nephews. I had an occasion to greet them - one more time! Friday was sobering for me!!

  • Health is important as we age. I am giving more thanks to God for health nowadays than I did previously. Aging brings this point to the forefront as well as the COVID-19 crisis.

  • In-person visits take on a new meaning after the shut down last year.

  • Recognizing family and friend's voices is important. Why? Others tell me that it is very painful when someone you know and love doesn't know who you are when you visit. The person may state that they would like to see you and you are right in their presence😢. I can only imagine.

  • The pandemic came upon us suddenly. A potential life lesson is: save. Have money on hand, should the banks be closed because workers are not available or unemployment has trouble calculating your weekly benefit.

  • My forbearance quotient increased as I have waited in longer lines over the last 1.5 years.

  • I beckon other drivers to move in front of me, so that tempers do not flair.

  • I reached out to neighborhood children to provide them a calming book. The parents were excited.

I share these thoughts today, because I believe that we can be kinder to each other. We can see a need and meet it. We can visit a home-bound or hospitalized person, provided that there are no restrictions. We can help each other.


By this everyone will know that ye are My disciples, if you have love and unselfish concern for one another, John 13:35 - Amplified.

Call to Action:

Be grateful...

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