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We Remember 911

Those of us old enough to be involved in daily life activities on 9-11-2001, remember exactly what we were doing and where we were when the planes

hit the twin towers. All of us watched in horror as the morning unfolded.

We were forever changed.


We learned strangers can be angels without visible wings walking in the earth.

We learned that day that life is precious and can be gone quickly.

We learned that resilience is a "must have in one's circumstances".

We learned compassion is needful in crisis.

Matthew 25:13 reminds us "to be on the alert [be prepared and ready], for we

don't know the day nor the hour [when the Son of Man will come]."

That's why I recommend that we do the spiritual work with God and the emotional

tasks with family, friends and coworkers now. We do not know when our last day is complete.

Please don't wait another day to say "I love you!, I'm proud of you! or I apologize". Regret occurs when an opportunity existed and we didn't take advantage of the moment.

As we see the families reference their lost loved ones during this 20th commemoration of 911, pray for their comfort. It is hard to know that their heroes or heroines are not coming back to live life the

way it was. We honor those who lost their lives in service of others.

Survivors are forever changed in their health and mental status. We ask you, Lord to touch and heal them, Psalm 103:3b ["He heals all of our diseases].

At this 20 year marker of 911, we acknowledge that the world changed with COVID19. Pivoting and repositioning became commonplace in 2020. Question: Did we include God in any of the pivoting or re-positioning? If not, there is still time to ask for His wisdom and direction in our lives as we experience earthquakes, fires, floods, hurricanes and tornados. God knows how to guide us

in these perilous, unsettled situations. Blessing for health and safety going forward!!

Join: the Tuesday class on Steps to Faith in Action at 6 p.m. Central Time. Register on the website under events.

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